So, we decided to have a Halloween Party. This is not a Barnstorm, but it’s happening at the Corporate Headquarters of Barnstorm. Directions are located at
CAMP in the Barn “Odditorium”! It’s official, sleep inside a barn, since the weather will be not be ideal. The place is not heated, but you’re out of the wind and any possible rain. To make things cozy, space has been cleared on the balcony for small tents, or airbags and sleeping bags. There are a few couches! There is part of a shipping container available.
– $10.00 without costume, FREE with costume!
– Dress Warm.
– We’ll have some warm food, coffee, and munchies for free.
– 6 Bonfires will be lit.
– Free Loot bags!
– Prize for best costume.
– Come early, see what’s left of the autumn colours.
– Dress Warm, It’s October 29th!
– BYOB and food (BBQ available, or order from the restaurant in Town)